An introduction to HTML & CSS

web development

Introducing HTML & CSS

HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages.

CSS is a language that lets you control how web pages look.

You can create a website using a combination of HTML and CSS.

Static website

What is HTML?

Content within a web page is tagged with HTML elements.

These elements form the building blocks of a website.

Building blocks

What is CSS?

CSS is a language that allows you to change the appearance of elements on the page.

You can style the font size, style and colour of text, background colours and lots more.

css buttons

You can build a website using HTML & CSS

I've created an introduction to HTML & CSS for complete beginners.

It's a step by step guide to creating your first webpage.

Try this guide or please share it with someone who you think might benefit.

Give it a try and from there who knows where it might lead!

Introduction to HTML & CSS web developer